Common Ground Consulting

City of Maple Ridge

City of Maple Ridge Land Use Plans

Albion Flats

The Albion Flats have been the subject of various concept planning efforts over the years. In 2018, Council re-affirmed a work plan to explore a land use area planning process for the lands south-east of Jim Robson Way. The goal of the Albion Flats Planning Process is for an Area Plan to be adopted by Council. The Albion Flats Planning Process is a priority project identified in City Council’s Strategic Plan 2019-2022.

Lougheed Transit Corridor

Maple Ridge’s Mayor and Council are in the final phase of the Lougheed Transit Corridor Study.

North East Albion

The City of Maple Ridge has a planning process underway that is looking at how we want to live, work, play, and ultimately grow, into the North East Albion Area. This process is exploring land use and servicing options for the area, noting that the Albion Area Plan had always envisioned that further study of the area was needed at the time when redevelopment begins to occur in this area.


The redesignation of the Yennadon Lands could facilitate the creation of a unique opportunity where the area could eventually serve the needs of the technology sector, light manufacturing companies, and professional offices; all of which offer a high employment density. In order to facilitate employment uses on the Yennadon Lands, an amendment to the Official Community Plan (OCP) would be required.